“God Means for You to Be Where You Are”
This morning we begin a new Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) series born from a book called “The Red Sea Rules” which is insight drawn from the Exodus chapter 14 account of the parting of the Red Sea. Of course that never would have happened if they hadn’t first arrived between a rock & a hard place — make that an approaching army & a sea preventing them from being able to flee to safety.
Have you ever been hemmed in feeling like it’s over for sure I’m definitely done this is absolutely it? Yet, here we are hearing & reading these words :-) …
May God use this message series to help us learn what we need to learn so we can know what we need to know so we can do what we need to do especially when we’re feeling like there’s no way out of whatever the situation may be.
When You’re Caught Between the Enemy & the Red Sea, remember …
1. God is in whatever it is with you.
There’s no place you’ll be or situation you’re in that He’s not aware of & with you.
Exodus 14:1-4
2. nothing He does or allows is bigger than He is.
While we may wonder in the moment, time will tell He is always in control.
Luke 12:32 / Psalm 37:23-24
Making It Real
1] When were some of the moments in your life when you knew this to be true?
2] What are some of the best ways to cultivate your awareness of this truth?
Action Step
Write down some past events in your life when God met the challenge concerning what concerned you. Write down how He did so. Prayerfully thank Him & keep committing what remains of your unknown future to Him.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224
Pastor Dan Page June 13, 2021 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com